Brustbehandlung in der Osteopathie
Being pregnant can be exciting, yet at the same time overwhelming, due to all the physical, hormonal and emotional changes. We would like to accompany and support you, as a future mother, and your growing baby before, during and after your pregnancy.
The aim of pregnancy osteopathy is to treat you and your unborn child in a gentle and caring way using holistic osteopathic principles and techniques in order to relieve tension, functional disorders, restricted mobility and dysfunctions within the parietal, visceral and craniosacral systems and to improve and support your health. The free mobility of your baby in the womb is also the focus of osteopathic therapy in order to enable their best possible development. Due to it's harmonising, balancing and holistic effects, osteopathy during pregnancy can lead to relaxation and promote a positive birth experience.
In the first trimester, the focus is on optimal care of the lower pelvis in order to support the growth of the embryo and its organ development.
The focus in the second trimester is to support you as a mother through all of the adjustments of pregnancy.
In the third trimester, pregnancy osteopathy - together with your midwife and gynaecologist - focuses on the best possible preparation for the birth.
The special pregnancy tables in our practice enable a holistic examination and osteopathic treatment of the pregnant mother in order to alleviate and support the pregnancy-related symptoms. The elastic material of these treatment tables ensures that you can also lie on your stomach at the end of your pregnancy.
After childbirth and postpartum, osteopathy can be an ideal supplement to promote pelvic floor stability and to regain it's strength. You and your baby will be in good hands, because our therapists are kept up-to-date by attending regular further-training courses and by working closely with our network of midwives.
Experience has shown that osteopathy can provide support during pregnancy for:
Neck pain
Back pain
Cramping pain in the pelvic area due to the changed body posture
Leg cramps
Chest pressure and shortness of breath
Carpal tunnel syndrome of the hands with tingling and numbness
Morning sickness
Gas, bloating and constipation
Venous, lymphatic drainage problems and water retention
Mental and emotional well-being through craniosacral therapy and massage
Misalignment of the baby
Vor der Behandlung erfolgt eine detaillierte Anamnese über die Brustgesundheit: Zysten, Druckdolenz, Brustspannen, wie verändert sich die Brust im Zyklus, welche BH-Arten werden getragen und wie oft, Schwangerschaft und Stillen, Brustkrebs, etc.
Brustspannen bei PMS oder prämenopausal
Brustschmerzen bei Milchstau oder beim Stillen
Mastodynie: Schmerzen in einer oder beiden Brüsten, eventuell zyklusabhängig (Zyklusende), hormonell bedingt, Frühschwangerschaft , post-menopausal (relativer Progesteronmangel: Brustspannen, nach der Menopause bilden die Eierstöcke immer noch Östrogen, aber nur noch wenig Progesteron, daher kommt es zu einer relativen Östrogendominanz)
Nach Brustoperationen (z.B. Implantate, führen zu einer Art Fibrosierung bzw. Kapselbildung, kapsuläre Kontraktion eventuell aufgrund von minimalen Entzündungen)
Brustveränderung in der Schwangerschaft (Brust vergrößert sich um 1/3 in den ersten 12 Wochen unter Östrogeneinfluss; sie ist dann häufig sehr empfindlich und kann es fast nicht ertragen berührt zu werden)
Stillende Brust (Milchstau)
Empfindliche Brüste
Wo Osteopathie bei Brustschmerzen erfahrungsgemäß unterstützen kann:
Du fragst Dich, ob möglicherweise auch Dir Osteopathie bei Brustbeschwerden helfen könnte? Melanie Kirsten untersucht Dich gerne und klärt mit Dir all Deine Fragen!